Reach out to find a therapist in Ottawa…
Looking for a therapist? Individual psychotherapy sessions are available to women, non-binary folks, & 2SLGBTQ+ folks from ages 14 to 64. Couples counselling is available to partners of any genders or polycule formation; this includes 2SLGBTQ+ couples & partners in polyamourous relationships (or those considering non-monogamy),
In-person: If you’re looking for in-person therapy, Connect to Calm serves West Ottawa (Kanata, Nepean, Stittsville, Manotick, Riverside South, Hunt Club, Bayshore, Billings Bridge, Bells Corners, and beyond…). Attend in-person therapy sessions from Ontario or Québec. Currently located in Baseline/Merivale area.
You can connect by Email if you’d like more information &/or you can book a “Meet & Greet” via the booking portal. Note: Not accepting clients for virtual therapy at this time.
Book a free Meet & Greet or e-mail for more info!
What happens after you reach out?
Once you reach out to find a therapist in Ottawa, you’ll hear back within a few days and will be sent some additional information to help you make a decision. It’s important to find the right match when you are trying to find a therapist! Don’t be afraid to “shop around” & reach out to multiple therapists so you can be sure it’s a good fit.
Whether you e-mail or book a Meet & Greet via the booking portal, you’ll be sent an e-mail with the “ABCs of Therapy: Availability, Booking policies, & Cost”. You’ll also be sent an Intro letter with in-depth details about your therapist’s training & experience.
If you have not already booked a Meet & Greet, the next step will be planning a time to connect. The Meet & Greet is a 15-minute consult where you can get to know your therapist. Please bring any and all questions you might have, including questions about the therapy process itself!
If the therapist-finding stars align, we can get started! This would mean you fit the above populations & you’re happy with the timeframes, fees, and types of therapy offered. Before the first session, you’ll receive a brief Intake form. You’ll also be asked to sign a Therapy Contract.
If you’re keen to dive right in, you can ask to be sent some “therapy homework”. This may include handouts and worksheets like the ones available on the Free Resources & Therapy Homework page. There may also be some measurements you can fill out that can add additional information to the assessment.